From a marketing perspective, a logo should be regarded as a keystone. A well designed business logo, may aid in building the rest of your business. Generally, businesses tend to begin with a logo and then work towards the rest of their marketing strategies, slogan, online/offline advertising campaigns and website. A logo is a mighty tool, if designed properly, may influence purchasing decisions, increase brand awareness, and help promote reputation. A logo should make a statement about your products, services and company beliefs.
Here are essential aspect which should be considered when designing a business logo;
1. Keep it simple
It can be very tempting to design a logo that becomes overwhelming on the eyes. Never get persuaded into the idea of including very element of product or service your business offers. Simple shapes tend to work very well, like, oval, square, diamond or rectangle within which a simple image may be included. Multiple images, countless colours, variety of shapes and words can seriously hamper your business’ ability to connect with your customers. So keep things simple as less is more.
2. Adopting sensible colours
Colours determine, various subconscious moods and psychological thought processes, so choose accordingly. An example, red is associated with energy, strength, power as well as danger, so this may not work well when opening a therapy consultant, nursery, relaxation services etc. Bright colours may be hampered against specific coloured backgrounds so best not to use them. One trick you can use, is to, imagine your logo against promotional products such as leaflets, t-shirts, mugs, stationary etc.
3. Fonts
If you want to include words or phrase’s on your logo, make sure the font is clearly legible. Some fonts which tend to work well are Helvetica, Times New Roman, Gotham, Futura, just to name a few. In regards to text, certain businesses tend to go along with 3 to 4 word slogan or a simple “Founded In”, “Since”, or “Established” phrase. Such phrases may be used in both online/offline marketing campaigns and generally help to nurture trust and brand loyalty.
4. Less is more
Try to observe logo brands when you pop-out shopping next and you’ll notice numerous logos with minimal design or less use of colour. Such brands like Apple, Twitter, BMW, Nike etc have perfected the art of keeping their brand recognisable while simplifying the logo appearance. Remember to maintain your business’ message and intent when trying to create a minimalist logo design.

5. Spacial Awareness
Having a symmetrical logo not only makes it ideal to use across promotional materials and online marketing platforms but aids in keeping the logo simple. Obviously, not all logos will be symmetrical, but a well designed logo will have factored spacial awareness into the design process. Also, try to retain the most essential aspect of your logo front and centre to help allure the eye inwards.
6. Make it easy to read
Adding many enhanced effects to the logo can destroy the readability, making it illegible. Do away with filters and special effects and remember to keep it simple. Clean lines, darker colours, and larger fonts make a huge difference and in a positive way. The intention is to establish brand recognition instantly and legibility is the key to making it happen.
7. Keep it timeless
Use fonts that won’t be out of style in a few years or a slogan whose reference will not be lost on the next generation. A logo design which requires the least amount of editing in the future is most ideal.

8. Make it multipurpose
A well thought out logo design should look great just about anywhere. Bear in mind you may want to add the logo to promotional products at some point (mugs, leaflets, business cards etc). Design a logo which is free of clutter and is legible as this will help improve the desirability of the surface its placed on. It will also help to enhance on social media platforms, websites, emails and other online marketing materials.
Keep in mind, you may always adjust the logo design at any time and that your logo is your business’ keystone. So if you’ve established a committed customer base, then it may be harder to propose an entirely new logo concept and business idea. An ideal logo design is one which requires little adjustment, if need be and drawing very little attention to your brand.
Now that you’re equipped with some professional logo design advice, you may take to the drawing board and experiment new ideas and concepts learnt.